Invient Chart 0.8.3 Not working with IE with Vaadin 6.6.1

I am using Invient Chart 0.8.3 and Vaadin 6.6.1
The Invient Charts are not working with Internet Explorer 9, and giving following errors.

avaScriptException: (TypeError): Cannot read property 'Chart' of undefined
 arguments: Chart,
 type: non_object_property_load
 stack: TypeError: Cannot read property 'Chart' of undefined
    at Object.mV [as Pd]
    at MJb (http://localhost:8084/ccms-web/VAADIN/widgetsets/com.emitac.ccms.web.widgetset.CCMSChartsAppWidgetset/890191D994AF0D5E1B3968B9212F3025.cache.html:2072:107)
    at Object.Ujb [as Pd]
    at Object.Sdb [as Pd]
    at MJb (http://localhost:8084/ccms-web/VAADIN/widgetsets/com.emitac.ccms.web.widgetset.CCMSChartsAppWidgetset/890191D994AF0D5E1B3968B9212F3025.cache.html:2072:107)
    at Object.Ujb [as Pd]
    at MJb (http://localhost:8084/ccms-web/VAADIN/widgetsets/com.emitac.ccms.web.widgetset.CCMSChartsAppWidgetset/890191D994AF0D5E1B3968B9212F3025.cache.html:2072:107)
    at Object.Ujb [as Pd]
    at Myb (http://localhost:8084/ccms-web/VAADIN/widgetsets/com.emitac.ccms.web.widgetset.CCMSChartsAppWidgetset/890191D994AF0D5E1B3968B9212F3025.cache.html:2855:217)
    at Object.$yb [as Ee]
 Processing time was 275ms for 28983 characters of JSON

Same application is running on Firefox, Chrome and Safari,
I am using Invient Chart 0.8.3 and Vaadin 6.6.1
it is something urgent and any help will be highly appreciated…

I would appreciate any response ???

It looks like the javascript files aren’t loaded properly. Unfortunately I have no idea why they would load differently on other browser. Where in the project structure are the js-files stored, and how do you reference them from the servlet?

Thank you for you answer, The Files are reference in Servlet using sample provided in invient Chart demo, and they are working in other browsers…

    protected void writeAjaxPageHtmlVaadinScripts(Window window,
            String themeName, Application application, BufferedWriter page,
            String appUrl, String themeUri, String appId,
            HttpServletRequest request) throws ServletException, IOException {
        page.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n");
        page.write("document.write(\"<script language='javascript' src='./jquery/jquery-1.4.4.min.js'><\\/script>\");\n");
        page.write("document.write(\"<script language='javascript' src='./js/highcharts.js'><\\/script>\");\n");
        page.write("document.write(\"<script language='javascript' src='./js/modules/exporting.js'><\\/script>\");\n");
        super.writeAjaxPageHtmlVaadinScripts(window, themeName, application,
                page, appUrl, themeUri, appId, request);               

You could try what I did. I moved the js-folders to the VAADIN directory, and changed the mapping in the servletclass to the following:

page.write("document.write(\"<script language='javascript' src='"
				+ request.getContextPath()
				+ "/VAADIN/jquery/jquery-1.4.4.min.js'><\\/script>\");\n");

Lets hope that works, otherwise I’m out of ideas :slight_smile:

Thank you, I will try and let you know about out come,
Thank you for your help !

Thank you. This help solved a similar problem I faced