Button as Link in hightlighted table row

I use the following code:

            Button btn = new Button("Memo zeigen");

Is there a chance to change the css in a way that a link in a highlighted row is more “visible”? I searched this forum but couldn’t find a solution. As far as I know, there is no extra style for a selected link button.

The selected row of a table gets a css classname v-selected. With the help of this you can give a special rule to the link that it should have an alternating color when row is selected. I didn’t fire up the IDE to check the exact identifiers but something close to this should work

.v-table .v-selected .v-link {
  color: white;

If you have problems with it, drop a message and I’ll take a closer look on it.

Actually since you are using buttons instead of links you will not get the .v-link classes, instead you can do

.v-table-row.v-selected .v-button-caption,
.v-table-row-odd.v-selected .v-button-caption{

Thanks a lot John, that did the trick.