Vaadin + Subversion + Maven: make vaadin and release plug-ins work together

Hello, all!

I am in troubles and would like to share a scenario here. Hopefully someone has already faced this situation and got a solution. I am using Vaadin 7.1.11 ang generated the app from the archetype (command line interface).

The problem: the widget sets in my application are compiled during Maven compilation’s phase and the generated sources were placed under the source folder (under VAADIN directory, as usual). I believe it has something to do with this configuration in the POM file (which comes from the archetype):

<webappDirectory>${basedir}/src/main/webapp/VAADIN/widgetsets</webappDirectory> <hostedWebapp>${basedir}/src/main/webapp/VAADIN/widgetsets</hostedWebapp> Without these lines, however (when I remove them from the POM), the generated sources are put under the
directory instead, not under

Here comes the problem:

  • Letting the generated sources being saved under the
    folder makes the Maven release plug-in fail (the premise/convention for it to work is to have everything committed to the repository, which is not true to the just generated sources, not yet included because they are fresh stuff)
  • Letting the generated sources being saved under the
    folder makes the application complain about the widget set. It says the widget set could not find the widget set.

Do you guys have any idea of how to configure this stuff in order to get Maven release plug-in and vaadin-maven-plugin work together?

Thanks in advance, any help is really welcome!



Try with this:

That should build the client module into “right” directory (“war” stuff). We compile gwt module under src, which is “wrong”. We have chosen to do that to make development experience better on Eclipse WTP. Especially earlier it was necessary to make process somewhat sane.

At least with other IDEs this shouldn’t be an issue, and not necesary with Eclipse either anymore.


Thanks for the reply, Matti.

I tried to change the POM file, and it gives me now the message that the widget set could not found when loading the application in the browser. Weird. Still do not have a complete solution for it, although I am still looking for one. Any other tip?


Does widgetset compilation happen at all during the build phase? If it does, then the target place is probably somehow bit wrong. Can you post the pom.xml contents for inspection?
