Installing Vaadin Plug-in for Eclipse facet...


When I create a Vaadin Project.and click finish then it hangs on “Installing Vaadin Plug-in for Eclipse facet…”

What’s the problem? Thanks!

that there might be a problem with the Vaadin version you chose to use. I imagine it tries to download the version, and somehow there’s a network problem. Make sure also that it’s actually hanged, and not just downloading for a while. Try to change the Vaadin version you’re trying to download, and see if that might work.

Otherwise, you could try and open the Eclipse error log (Window > Show View > Other… > General > Error Log) and see that there aren’t any entries appearing during initialization.

But, this is just a wild guess that came to mind. Others might have better guesses.

Ran in to the same problem today, created for it. At least in my case the cause seems to be having Tomcat running with some Vaadin projects deployed to it, causing some kind of deadlock when creating the new project.

The problem only happens when you try to use the 6.7.2 version, available on “selected version” list.
The error is “can’t download vaadin library gwt-dev.war”.
… tested using 6.7.1 and it’s ok.