Build Widgetset with Vaadin 6.8.14 and gwt 2.6.0


After Update from Vaadin 6.8.13 to 6.8.14 a have to build widgetsets.

But after update I got following warnings:
Widget class com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VScrollTable was not found. The component com.vaadin.ui.Table will not be included in the widgetset.
Widget class com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.ui.VTreeTable was not found. The component com.vaadin.ui.TreeTable will not be included in the widgetset.

And no Tables work in Vaadin Application :frowning:

Any Idea?

GWT 2.6 adds a new method to the Timer class which conflicts with a Timer class used by VScrollTable ( Can probably be “fixed” in a project by importing (copy/pasting) the VScrollTable class and renaming isRunning() to something else (this is how Vaadin 7.2 fixes the incompatibility)