Disable Firebug

My project is going to publish now and I want to disable the firebug because it allows the user to edit the data and also my css.

How can I do that?

Can’t be done. You cannot influence in any way what browser plugins people use. Note that whatever changes people make with Firebug (or Developer Tools in Chrome or IE) are local to that specific user only, it won’t change the behaviour / look of the application for any other user.

I also notice about that… Hmmm… the value I changed dont affects my original value… Im just afraid if the changed value will submit to my browser (Application)… that will be a big trouble to me. Do vaadin have a listener for such kind of issue? like changeValueListener? but I used changeValueListener, still it didnt work.
Thank you Kim.

As the old saying goes,
the client cannot be trusted

The browser is the user’s playground, and the user must be assumed to have a total and complete control over it and all the data that is stored in it. If they want to change data that’s only visible to themselves, that’s their prerogative. Your job as a Web application developer is to make sure that the
only accepts data from the client in the expected format and through the expected channels.

The user and the application can be protected from third-party attacks eg. using JavaScript smuggled into the user’s browser, but if the user him/herself is malicious, there’s nothing you can do on the client side. There may not even be a browser - in theory someone could just connect to the server via telnet and as long as they sent correct HTTP requests the server would and could never know.