Include javascipt file in vaadin application


My Requirement:

  1. Use single Browser window to display different web page content (Help information) on help Button click event.
  2. When help button is clicked : Set focus back on the allready opened Browser window when in case if the Browser window is minimized or behind other browser windows
  3. I am using vaadin 7

I have tried using BrowserWindow Opener but it does not serves my above mentioned requirement 2 as we do not get any handle to the opened browser windw in vaadin.
Related posts:!/thread/4752167!/thread/4731272

Now i understand that only way to implement the above mentioned requirements is through javascript.
For this i have written sample html/javascript code, but i am not sure how to use the same in vaadin application to achive the expected application behaviour.

Can anyone please help me on this, thanks in advance.

Following is the HTML/javascript code for the reference:

 <script type="text/javascript">
  var applicationHelpWindow = null;
  var previousUrl;

  function openRequestedSinglePopup(helpUrl)
       /*If help window is null or closed - open new window*/
       if(applicationHelpWindow == null || applicationHelpWindow.closed)
            applicationHelpWindow =, "HelpPopup","resizable,scrollbars,status");
       /*If help URL is changed - set new URL to existing opened window*/
       else if(previousUrl != helpUrl)
            applicationHelpWindow =, "HelpPopup","resizable,scrollbars,status");
            //applicationHelpWindow =, "HelpPopup","resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes");
        previousUrl = helpUrl;
        /*set focus to application help window*/
        if(applicationHelpWindow != null)

  <input type="button" value="Vaadin" onclick="openRequestedSinglePopup('');" >
  <input type="button" value="Google" onclick="openRequestedSinglePopup('');" >

Kunal Patil

Have a look at
this page
and the Using Javascript Section on
this one
One thing you could maybe do would be to integrate your javascript as an extension for the help button to capture the click event and send it to the client-side javascript connector using callFunction.
…and if you want even the html in your Vaadin page you can use a Browser (former Embedded) component to embed the entire page or use a customlayout to use the html as a template in which you can add your buttons.