Compile 2 widgetset in same application problem

Hi all

I’m creating Vaadin application for IPhone Web apps.In that i’m using Touchkit , its works awesome… but now i in need to refreshing components in frequent interval (say example I embed image in panel , based on database query value i need to dynamically embed new image which will automatically gets changed in brower…)… for this in vaadin , they suggest server push or polling add on’s. I tried server polling( Refresher add on) into my Touchkit applications… i followed way that i used for touchkit.

but it shows that client side widget not implemented. try to recompile it.

i recompile it., but it shows same msg on brower…

can anyone help around this…

Thank you…


Basically you just need to inherit from both widetsets in you .gwt.xml -file and compile. How did you work with TouchKit and how does your .gwt.xml file look like now? Did you use the Eclipse plugin?

I’m using Netbeans 6.9.1… Din’t yet i solve this problem…

Read the
help page in the Directory
and the
book chapter on add-ons

In general, if using add-ons with client side parts, you should always have your own widgetset, import any add-on widgetsets you need in it and compile your own widgetset. An application can only use one widgetset, which needs to include all the widgets you need. Using the widgetset “fragment” that is in the add-on might be problematic in some cases, and makes it hard to take other add-ons into use.