V-Leaflet Sector Marker

I need to paint markers in form of sectors on map. Please advice how to define geometry for this.

Thanks a lot.


Do you have some more throughout example of what you are trying to achieve? I think LPolygon is what you are looking for, but I’m not really sure.


Hi Matti,

I currently show markers in form of triangles, but have a requirement to show them as sectors of circles. Do you mean that I have to draw polygon, based on 3+n points, where 3 - points of my triangle and n - additional points for a curve?


Now I think I understand what you want. AFAIK Leaflet (nor its Vaadin wrapper) don’t support “curves”, so you indeed need to “flatten” the curve part to n standard points.

GeoTools has
some helpers
that might aid, haven’t used them myself.
