Vaadin - GWT Widget - jQuery

Hello everybody.

I’ve got little problem. I was wondering if something like this is possible.

  1. Create Vaadin widget - client side would by horizontal panel with TextBox and Button.

  2. On button click hide textbox with effects (like toggle(“slow”) - jQuery).

And here are the questions:

  1. how to inject native script into client side widget
  2. or how to fix this problem that can i compile the widgetset and will work (because if i try something, recompile the ws then application gives me nice message that my widget has no widgetset - need to recompile)

The point of this is i want to separate logic of client side and server side. And if i click on button i just want to show the textbox and another click will hide it… no neccesary info for server side, only frontend presentation of component.

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

If you want to include JavaScript in a GWT/Client side Widget you should have a look at
this page
Hope it helps.

Marius → thanks. I found the little bug in my code. I forgot to delete * in native method body… it made compilation succesfull but when i launched app the message about missing widgetset appeared.

One more time with one big THANKS.