failed to load the bootstrap javascript ./vaadin/vaadin bootstrap.js


i had to add the vaadin framework to a existing servlet/jsp dynamic webproject with tomcat 7.
What I did:

  • put all the required libs in “WEB-INF\lib”
  • created a VAADIN folder under “Web Pages” in Netbeans. In VAADIN folder there is the theme folder and the compiled widgetset(using addons). The widgetset was compiled with eclipse plugin before and copy pasted here.
  • web.xml looks like followed:
                Application widgetset</description>

when i run the project under netbeans erverything works fine. but when i want to deploy the generated .war to the webserver i get the message: failed to load the bootstrap javascript ./vaadin/vaadin bootstrap.js
in unziped .war all the libs are under WEB-INF/lib


Hello Robert,

Can you please check where is the Widgetset folder? It should be under the folder {war}/VAADIN/widgetsets/
