Missing reindeer folder

I have created a maven vaadin project (using IntelliJ Idea 13) and in the webapp/VAADIN/themes/ there is only a mytheme folder.
Inside mytheme.scss file there is an import command that tried to import …/reindeer/reindeer.scss file which is missing of course.
When I use @Theme(“mytheme”) in the file that creates the application I get the components in strange places.
When I remove this annotation I get the components in the right places.
Any ideas on what is going on here guys?
Thank you.


Unless I have missed something, everything seems to be alright, that far. The reindeer folder is in the vaadin-themes library, which contains the sources for the built-in themes. It is loaded by the theme compiler.

You may be experiencing some problem with the theme compiler. I don’t exactly know how you have deployed the project, but if you have compiled it into a WAR with Maven, it should have compiled the theme to VAADIN/themes/mytheme/styles.css in the WAR. If not, it should use the on-the-fly compilation. You should check the compilation logs and server logs for any mentions about the theme compilation.

Althought I could see the themes and theme compiler jars in the library of the project (since I import them in my maven pom) I decided to manualy extract the themes jar in the themes directory.That way I managed to display some images by puting them in the reindeer/img directory and by using @Theme(“reindeer”) annotation in my class that extends UI and is responsible for building the application.
Do you believe that I am doing something wrong here and things could have worked using another way?
I am always open to suggestions from people that are more experienced in Vaadin.
By the way thank you for your previous answer.

PS : I forgot to mention that I am using Tomcat7 as my web server.

Extracting the themes JAR to the themes folder is perfectly fine. We actually recommend doing so in high-load production environments, because then the theme is served statically by the server and not through the Vaadin servlet, which is less efficient. In a similar way, you can also serve them in a front-end server.

Well, it should work otherwise as well, but I don’t know enough details to say why it doesn’t. There’s probably some problem with your deployment or theme compilation.

Also, if you want to customize the theme in any way, you should use your project theme, not the built-in Reindeer theme directly.

I haven’t looked at the Vaadin project setup in IntelliJ IDEA recently, how it goes nowadays. It actually should be documented in the Book of Vaadin like it is for NetBeans. There’s also the third-party plugin that probably helps with the project creation and some tasks.

If I use mytheme as the @Theme annotation argument I get my components without styling at all.
Btw netbeans works just fine and compiles the scss files automatically.
Is it the job of the vaadin-theme compiler?
And if it is why it does not work in IntelliJ Idea?

I used a scss file watcher to make IntelliJ Idea automatically translate scss files to css files but I am getting the following error in the output console :

Jan 01, 2014 11:33:41 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/base/common/img/loading-indicator.gif] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Jan 01, 2014 11:33:42 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/base/common/img/loading-indicator.gif] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Jan 01, 2014 11:33:42 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/textfield/img/bg.png] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Jan 01, 2014 11:33:42 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/button/img/right.png] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Jan 01, 2014 11:33:42 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/select/img/right.png] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Jan 01, 2014 11:33:42 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/select/img/center.png] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Jan 01, 2014 11:33:42 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/select/img/left.png] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Jan 01, 2014 11:33:42 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/button/img/left.png] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.

The fact that it tries to load those image resources (when you open the application in a browser and get those errors) indicates that the styles.css itself is loaded just fine (you should be able to check that with Firebug or other tool), it’s just the resources that are missing. My guess is that the vaadin-themes JAR is missing from the server classpath for some reason. I don’t think that it can be a servlet mapping issue if the styles.css is loaded OK.

You didn’t mention how you deployed it - are you using some integrated server under IntelliJ IDEA (I haven’t tried that) or do you package it into a WAR which you deploy to the Tomcat? If you build it into a WAR, it should contain the vaadin-themes JAR.

Yes, it’s the task of the vaadin-theme-compiler to compile the .scss to .css, and it probably does that just OK.

Everything is working fine now.I’ve had to remove a couple of provided tags from the pom.xml file!

Hi Stavros!
I faced a similar problem.
You can tell what tags you deleted from file pom.xml?
Thanks in advance.

i have my custom theme and it has imported “…/valo/valo.scss”

but dont the below error is coming.

Sep 07, 2015 12:40:36 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/Images/logo_white.png] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Sep 07, 2015 12:40:36 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/Images/portfolio-2.jpg] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Sep 07, 2015 12:40:36 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/Images/indyne.JPG] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Sep 07, 2015 12:40:36 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/Images/banner.jpg] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Sep 07, 2015 12:40:36 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/Images/benefits_others.jpg] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Sep 07, 2015 12:40:36 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/Images/portfolio-1.png] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
Sep 07, 2015 12:40:36 PM com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN
INFO: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/Images/map.png] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.

i dont have any reindeer folder in my VAADIN/themes folder

Please suggest how to remove the error!!!

Using eclipse and tomcat7 server