Embedding app in webpage on Google app engine

Hi guys,

Need urgent help. I am thinking to deploy my app using goolge app engine. The app would be part of a website. So I need to embedd it in a web page.

Embedding is working perfectly fine in my local environment and also if ldeploy it locally as Google Web app. I follow Topi’s suggestion in this post

But when I deploy the war in google app engine the I get an error in the vaadin app section of the web page, here it is:

Error: Not Found
The requested URL /form?v-browserDetails=1&theme=runo&v-sh=800&v-sw=1280&v-cw=1280&v-ch=675&v-curdate=1388250122376&v-tzo=-60&v-dstd=60&v-rtzo=-60&v-dston=false&v-vw=304&v-vh=4&v-loc=http%3A%2F%xxx.appspot.com%2F%3Fdebug&v-wn=form-0.3515566692298311&v-1388250122377 was not found on this server.

Not sure what is wrong and how to debug. There are no errors in the google app logs.

Thanks in advance
