Vaadin Addon dChart Not working

I am trying to create a vaadin application which have pie charts and bar charts in it. The environment which i am working is
with eclipse vaadin plugin and the version of vaddin in it is 7.1.9

I have tried with latest version of dChart downlaoded from the vaadin directory to get the pie charts, but i am getting the following error

“Widgetset does not contain implementation for org.dussan.vaadin.dcharts.DCharts. Check its component connectors @Connect mapping…”

Please find below my code:

final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
DataSeries dataSeries = new DataSeries()
.add(“none”, 23)
.add(“error”, 0)
.add(“click”, 5)
.add(“impression”, 25);

SeriesDefaults seriesDefaults = new SeriesDefaults()

Options options = new Options()

DCharts chart = new DCharts()

Please let me know if i am missing anything.
Also please send me an example on how to integrate chart in vaadin application


And you have compiled the project widget set as described in the Step 6

Yes i have compiled it as described in the Step 6. I am attaching my eclipse project as zip. Please go through it and help me if i am doing anyting wrong (3.47 MB)

Vaadin 7.1.8 does not support dChart? When i changed the version to 7.1.4 and recompiled i can see the chart now.

The error you got doesn’t indicate that it wouldn’t work with the latest Vaadin version, but that you hadn’t either compiled or deployed the widget set properly. The fact that it worked with other Vaadin version indicates that your project probably hasn’t got any problems.

So, if you really had compiled the widget set earlier, I don’t know where the problem could be. Eclipse and server deployment sometimes have oddities, so things like restarting the server, cleaning it, and other things could have effect.

You could just try switching back to the newer Vaadin version and redoing things like you did with the older version. And hope that Eclipse behaves deterministically (which is not always a safe assumption).