Unable to setup Vaadin 7 with Eclipse Kepler on windows 7

Hi everyone,

I have tried to setup vaddin development enviornment with following two options.


Option 1
OS := Windows 7 64 bit
Vaddin := Vaadin 7
Apache Ivy := 2.3.0
Apache Ant Taks := 2.3.0
Apache IvyDE := 2.3.0
Apache IvyDE Resolver Visulizer := 2.3.0
Eclipse := Spring Tool Suite (Version: 3.4.0.RELEASE Build Id: 201310051614)




Option 2
OS := Windows 7 64 bit
Vaddin := Vaadin 7
Apache Ivy := 2.3.0
Apache Ant Taks := 2.3.0
Apache IvyDE := 2.3.0
Apache IvyDE Resolver Visulizer := 2.3.0

Eclipse := Eclipse Kepler



I have followed the setps mentioned in Chapter 2 : Getting Started with Vaadin from
Book of Vaadin
to setup my envinroment, however after setting up the enviornment when I craete my first project in eclipse an empty project without any default screen / UI is created, and when I try to create UI class manulay using eclipse editor it fails to resolve following refrences to vaadin packages / classes

import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest
import com.vaadin.ui.Label
import com.vaadin.ui.UI

Can anybody help me by identifying any mistake in environment setup? Or am I missing some part of configuration?


I have the same issue using everything the same except OS is Windows 8.1 64 bit.

I too followed the setups in the Book of Vardin but I do not get a generated UI class or Ivy.xml.

I found the solution in this thread:

Thanks Kim, It works!
however I am still facing issues with Visual designer (XUL Runner failed) I have read some forum posts regarding this issue and hope will resolve this issue soon.

By the way is this case which part is faulty Eclipse or Vaadin, if Vaadin will like to ask Vaddin development community about the plan to resolve this issue.
