Single Sign On to a Vaadin application

Hi guys!

I have a Vaadin application that needs to
use SSO
(or a better kind of enterprise sign on method?) to
authorize users through an LDAP directory
. I also need to
use groups
or “roles”
to differ between users and what they are allowed to access
in my application. I am new to both login processes and Vaadin, and all I have right now is a working login form in my application that authorizes users against a fake “AD class” that I made myself.


  • Where and how do I even start?
  • I read something about portlets and Liferay in this context. Is it even possible to achieve my goals without using Liferay?
  • Are there any good Vaadin addons that can help me with this?
  • Can I use Spring security for this? (I am using xpoft SpringVaadinIntegration addon and I know it handles roles for example)…

If I sound lost, it’s probably because I am. I will gladly read up on this, if I even knew where to start. Please help me chop this monolithic blob of confusion into smaller pieces =)


Hi, I will suggest to look into apache Shiro. I believe it can support LDAP.


Thanks Kat!

Shiro sounds like exactly what we need. If we don’t use SSO (CAS, I guess), can Spring security do the same thing? Which would be easiest to implement?

I recommend you one of the best security product is LTS Secure. LTS Secure provide various security solution. For more information about this product