Vaadin bug

Yes, I really do think there is a bug in Vaadin javascript support. Please see my recent posting to the thread “image file for javascript component?”. I developed my javascript component using a Vaadin application I had created for that purpose, intending to integrate with an existing Vaadin application later. With the testbed app it worked, and then it stopped working. I got it working again by changing one of the image file names from “arrow_branch.png” to “arrowbranch.png”, which obviously doesn’t make a lot of sense. And then I wasn’t able to get the component working with the original app, at all.

I’m now loading the images into my javascript component by fetching them from the webserver, ie src=‘http://localhost/arrow.png’ rather than src=‘./APP/PUBLISHED/arrow.png’. This all works fine, the component works fine, and its really great to have been able to develop it and integrate it with my Vaadin app. But there does seem to be some sort of problem with name wrangling of image filenames included in the @Javascript annotation for AbstractJavascriptComponent. This problem does not seem highly reproducible and unfortunately I can’t give you a simple application that demonstrates it. And the workaround is straightforward. But I thought you should be aware.


Matthew Fleming