Problem in upgrading a version

Hi everyone

I have upgraded my version of vaddin from 7.0.0beta to 7.1.7. But I am getting an issue of overlapping of form while i change a tab or by clicking a table row open new tabs.

i am getting this error of js

com.vaadin.client.ApplicationConfiguration SEVERE: (TypeError) stack: TypeError: Cannot call method ‘Lf’ of null at afa (0.js:1730:89) at BS (0.js:410:51) at Object..$b (0.js:421:290) at Object..Zb (0.js:42:459) at eval (0.js:42:383) at eval (0.js:1967:235) at eval (0.js:86:247): Cannot call method ‘Lf’ of (TypeError) stack: TypeError: Cannot call method ‘Lf’ of null at afa (0.js:1730:89) at BS (0.js:410:51) at Object..$b (0.js:421:290) at Object..Zb (0.js:42:459) at eval (0.js:42:383) at eval (0.js:1967:235) at eval (0.js:86:247): Cannot call method ‘Lf’ of null at Unknown.afa(0.js@89) at Unknown.BS(0.js@51) at Unknown..$b(0.js@290) at Unknown..Zb(0.js@459) at Unknown.eval(0.js@383) at Unknown.eval(0.js@235) at Unknown.eval(0.js@247)

com.vaadin.client.VConsole SEVERE: (TypeError) stack: TypeError: Cannot call method ‘Lf’ of null at afa (0.js:1730:89) at BS (0.js:410:51) at Eda (0.js:358:133) at aS (0.js:325:144) at GR (0.js:321:227) at Object..Xc (0.js:345:30) at Object..Vc (0.js:129:16) at XMLHttpRequest.eval (0.js:304:323) at XMLHttpRequest.eval (0.js:1967:235): Cannot call method ‘Lf’ of (TypeError) stack: TypeError: Cannot call method ‘Lf’ of null at afa (0.js:1730:89) at BS (0.js:410:51) at Eda (0.js:358:133) at aS (0.js:325:144) at GR (0.js:321:227) at Object..Xc (0.js:345:30) at Object..Vc (0.js:129:16) at XMLHttpRequest.eval (0.js:304:323) at XMLHttpRequest.eval (0.js:1967:235): Cannot call method ‘Lf’ of null at Unknown.afa(0.js@89) at Unknown.BS(0.js@51) at Unknown.Eda(0.js@133) at Unknown.aS(0.js@144) at Unknown.GR(0.js@227) at Unknown..Xc(0.js@30) at Unknown..Vc(0.js@16) at Unknown.eval(0.js@323) at Unknown.eval(0.js@235)

This error occurs in IE and google crome but in mozila firefox its working fine. Plz help me to resolve this issue.

Thanking you.

Can anyone reply on this issue?

Have you compiled widgetset?

If you have any custom widgets or add-ons in use, you should recompile the widgetset as Agata noted. If the issue still persists, please do the compile with a pretty or detailed style - or better yet, run the application in GWT dev mode to see a bit better what is actually going wrong.