Chameleon Theme - "small" Table problem


Is it just me, or do table rows (for a table styled as “small” in the vaadin chameleon theme) no longer shrink the size of the font from 13px to 11.05px?

The table header has the smaller font, but the row data doesnt.

Inspecting in Chrome shows the font-size of 13px is coming from the class v-table-table.

Is this a known bug in vaadin 7? (Note I am using 7.1.6).



I had the same problem with 7.2.5 but after changing row 4779 in styles.css for the chameleon theme i worked for me.

New row: .chameleon .v-table-small .v-table-caption-container, .chameleon .v-table-small .v-table-body[color=#ff0000] , .chameleon .v-table-small .v-table-cell-wrapper [/color]{ font-size: 11.05px; }
I also changed the table row height with this addition to style.css: .chameleon .v-table-small .v-table-cell-wrapper { height: 1.5em; }
The default height in the css file is 1.2em but it looked to compressed.