user experience problems

hello vaadiners,

I have few user experience/performance problems
I have a multiuser/multilanguage project management webapp with a few views
the application is based on the addressbook tutorial

My problems are the follows

  1. I have a view which takes to long to load (aproximateliy 20-30 seconds)
    if I click on its menuItem the view only show up/change only after it is fully loaded and until then the old view is visible and clickable

it is also a problem when this is the first view to load after successfull login
Until this new view is not fully loaded ( for about 20-30 seconds) the login screen is displayed with the loading indicator

My question is that is it possible to change views first ( display the new view first instead the old one ) and then populate with data ?

I would be greatfull for any suggestions on my problem…

Hello Peter,
If I understood your problem correctly, you should populate your data in a separate thread and refresh the view with progress bar.
Similar problem is discussed in
this thread

thank you for your help

I will shortly test this solution

I hope this will solve my problem