PlayingCards compilation problem


I have created a simple maven-vaadin project, and included the
addon, but I’m having trouble compiling it (the complete error list is available at

 Errors in 'org/vaadin/artur/playingcards/client/criteria/'
 Line 12: No source code is available for type com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.ClientSideCriterion; did you forget to inherit a required module?
 Line 20: No source code is available for type com.vaadin.event.dd.DragAndDropEvent; did you forget to inherit a required module?

I have been trying to compile the project using jdk7 and Vaadin versions 7.0.0rc1 through 7.1.5, and my google searches have proven to be unlucky so far, so any help is greatly appreciated.


I could bypass the problem by setting
the vaadin-maven-plugin
, which was generated as true by defalut from the archetype, but I still don’t understand the problem. I was able to see a card in my interface which is pretty nice for a change but I can’t shake that feeling of being puzzled.