Vaadin Scala 7 Servlet 3.0 path issue with vaadinBootstrap.js

Using 7.1.5 and Maven

Had no problem, nice little hello world going.

Then changed path from

Array(“/“) to Array(”/1/”)

Then when I tried to new path I get problem as it can’t find


As you can see, it starts with a dot, so is relative, and hence not absolute

Is this a known issue. How can I fix?


Ok, now this is really weird.

This fails

@WebServlet(value = Array(“/1/”), asyncSupported = true)
@VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = false, ui = classOf[MyVaadinUIScala2]

But if I add another servlet thus:

@WebServlet(value = Array(“/*”), asyncSupported = true)
@VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = false, ui = classOf[MyVaadinUIScala]

It works fine.



You also need to map “/VAADIN” (which is implicitly mapped by the “/*”).

Ha ha, JUST read that in the docs, thanks.


@WebServlet(value = Array(“/1/", "/VAADIN/”), asyncSupported = true)
@VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = false, ui = classOf[MyVaadinUIScala]
class MerchantSupport extends VaadinServlet {


@WebServlet(value = Array(“/main/", "/VAADIN/”), asyncSupported = true)
@VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = false, ui = classOf[MyVaadinUIScala2]
class MerchantSupport2 extends VaadinServlet {


Note also that it is enough for one of the servlets to map /VAADIN, they both use the same shared static resources.

Yes, noticed that in the docs, but decided to quit whilst I was ahead! Busy going through the book of Vaadin.