Problem with calendar addon

I’m using Eclipse Juno with the Vaadin IDE pluggin, liferay-portal-6.1.2-ce-ga3.
I’m trying to display a vaadin Calendar in a Liferay portlet.
Creating a Liferay-Vaadin project with a simple “Hello Vaadin user!”, everything is working fine.
After that, I’ve added the “vaadin-calendar-2.0.0.jar” in my WEB-INF/lib folder and the following source code :

Calendar calend = new Calendar("toto");
    GregorianCalendar start = new GregorianCalendar();
    GregorianCalendar end   = new GregorianCalendar();
    end.add(java.util.Calendar.HOUR, 1);
    calend.addEvent(new BasicEvent("Calendar study",
            "Learning how to use Vaadin Calendar",
            start.getTime(), end.getTime()));

No error is detected in Eclipse, but when I redeploy it and run it, i get this :

08:48:02,008 ERROR [http-bio-8080-exec-63]
javax.portlet.PortletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/vaadin/shared/communication/ServerRpc
javax.portlet.PortletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/vaadin/shared/communication/ServerRpc

I’ve seen in the forum that to resolve it, I had to add the vaadin-server-7.1.5.jar in my WEB-inf/lib folder.
No problem, I do it, but this is when the bad stuff starts :

  • Eclipse tells me that the “window.addComponent” method is not existing anymore.
  • Console shows me :

javax.portlet.PortletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/vaadin/shared/Connector
javax.portlet.PortletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/vaadin/shared/Connector
at com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.AbstractApplicationPortlet.handleServiceException(
at com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.AbstractApplicationPortlet.handleRequest(
at com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.AbstractApplicationPortlet.doDispatch(

Is there something I did wrong?

Thanks for your help.

Which Vaadin version are you using?
Do you use a dependency management system like maven or ivy?

I’m using Vaadin 7 (I have copied all jar files except vaadin-client and vaadin-client-compiler to WEB-INF/lib from the all-in-one archive file)
I only have ant build files and classpath, no dependency management system.

And your vaadin jars all have the same version because it kinda sounds to me like you’re trying to use a 7.1.5 shared jar with lower versioned other jars?

Yes to me they do :

<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/toto/vaadin-all-7.1.5/vaadin-client-compiled-7.1.5.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/toto/vaadin-all-7.1.5/vaadin-push-7.1.5.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/toto/vaadin-all-7.1.5/vaadin-server.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/toto/vaadin-all-7.1.5/vaadin-server-7.1.5.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/toto/vaadin-all-7.1.5/vaadin-shared-7.1.5.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/toto/vaadin-all-7.1.5/vaadin-theme-compiler-7.1.5.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/toto/vaadin-all-7.1.5/vaadin-themes-7.1.5.jar"/>

Can somebody tell me if the Vaadin Calendar 2.0.0 is still working with the Vaadin 7.1.5 new libs?

The vaadin-server.jar without a version looks a bit weird to me. You might want to remove that.

The Calendar addon might still work but since Vaadin 7.1 the Calendar is already in vanilla Vaadin so there is no need to use an addon for that you can use it right from the vaadin jars.

It was the 7.1.5 version but I removed the version, now I’ve removed it entirely to let only the vaadin-server-7.1.5.jar.
I also have removed the addon jars.
I have re-done my imports but I still have :
java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:
The method addComponent(Label) is undefined for the type Window

Hi, Did you recompile the widgetset in Eclipse ? There should be an icon in the main toolbar (or keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + 6).

This is part of what I don’t understand :
When I do create a new Liferay project, I can choose a “Vaadin portlet framework”, but this one is created without widgetset folder…
Is this a Liferay plugin problem?

On Liferay, there is normally one shared widgetset for the portal, which includes all the widgets used by the various portlets.

The easiest way to compile the widgetset on a portal is to use Vaadin Control Panel for Liferay. The control panel for Vaadin 6 can be found
in the Directory
and the one for Vaadin 7 is
available in GitHub
with a final binary release coming soon.

Hi Henri,

Do you know the shared widgetset default path? I just can’t find it, and when I use the “Compile widgetset” button in my vaadin control panel portlet, a red “!” is just shown.
I have followed Liferay precos :
putting in my “” the propertie :
but it seems it’s not found.

I’ve found the mistake I made : I didn’t correctly install Vaadin 7 such as said here :

I didn’t extract the right version of my vaadin-server.jar…

After correcting it and creating a new widgetset, everything is allright.