Vaadin 7 - add-on installation in Netbeans


is there anyone who has a step-by-step guide for installing a add-on in vaadin 7 (including widgetset compilation etc.) or would provide one?

Something like this for vaadin 6.x:

I think this would be very helpful. I’m trying to get the Charts-add-on working.

Kind regards

It looks like there is nothing Vaadin 6 specific in the Instructions you linked to (Except the fact that there is the Vaadin 6 jar in some of the screen shots). Did you already try to do it after these instructions?

Yes, I think the classes have changed in vaadin 7. The com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils.WidgetSetBuilder class for example now is located in com.vaadin.server.widgetsetutils.WidgetSetBuilder.

It would be nice if anyone could provide a build-widgetset.xml example for vaadin 7.

What NetBeans plugin version do you use ?
The recent NB plugin supports Vaadin 7 (and doesn’t support Vaadin 6) and is build on top of Maven project.
You can easily add any add-on to you project via Maven snippet provided on the add-on web page. Just copy/paste
it into your POM file and invoke “Build with Dependecies”.
All required jars will be downloaded automatically and compiled as soon as you build the project.

Have been trying to install vaadin add ons in netbeans over a month now, its not just working for me, am not using maven project am using regular web application project in netbeans…This is my email address for any useful material…please help me …Thanks

Addon installation is easy: just grab jar file and put it into WEB-INF/classes.
But you have to compile it somehow. And it’s tricky without plugin. I don’t know what project type you use (Ant based?).
Search for ant target that you should use in ant script file to compile add-on.

But I would recommend to use NB Vaadin plugin. It allows to create Vaadin project and you don’t have to care about it’s nature. It’s transparently uses Maven but it doesn’t require any Maven knowledge from you. Just use provided UI.