Can't Remove Debug Window - ProductionMode = true Error

I want to set productionMode= true in my web.xml but I obtain this error:

com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet serveOnTheFlyCompiledScss
3INFO: Request for /VAADIN/themes/mytheme/styles.css not handled by sass compiler while in production mode

See this post with my apps details configuration:

Error ProductionMode

Anyone help me? :frowning:

Do you use Ivy or Maven?
Did you try to compile your theme using the Maven Command mentioned in the other thread?

I use maven but I never use the maven command. I try to compile theme with Eclipse Plugin selected my .scss file but I obtain this error message:
“Select a theme file (.scss) or a Vaadin project to compile”

If you want to use the Compile theme button of the eclipse plugin you have to convert your project facet to include the Vaadin Project Facet:
Right Click Project → Properties → Project Facets → Convert to Facet Project → Then add the Dynamic Web modul facet and the vaadin facet.
Then you should be able to use the button.

If you don’t want to have your project structure mixed up like it will with the facet you could go to run → External Configuration → Add a new Config → select the mvn.bat file as operating program and select your project from the workspace → put the command in without the mvn (so just vaadin:compile-theme) and run the config.

This way you can call maven commands using eclipse. Another way would be to use the command console of your operating system.

I ran your instructions calling maven commands using eclipse but I always get this error and the root problem is not solved

 Scanning for projects...
 Building Vaadin Web Application 1.0.0
 --- vaadin-maven-plugin:7.1.4:compile-theme (default-cli) @ myprj ---
 Updating theme VAADIN\themes\.svn
 D:\workspace\myprj\src\main\webapp\VAADIN\themes\.svn\styles.scss could not be read!
 Theme "VAADIN\themes\.svn" compiled
 Updating theme VAADIN\themes\customtheme
 Theme "VAADIN\themes\customtheme" compiled
 Total time: 12.042s
 Finished at: Thu Sep 12 10:32:07 CEST 2013
 Final Memory: 13M/87M

Does your styles.scss has a correct syntax (Please don’t ask me something scss specific as i didn’t use it myself yet)?
Also what is your customtheme? Is this another theme using sass? Or is it an “old” css theme?

My customtheme is the same them use in the Demo Quicktikets Vaadin “dashboard” and all style files are .scss

So if the maven compiler can read and compile the customtheme but not the scss file of the .svn theme there might be something wrong with the code inside the .svn/style.scss file.

.svn is an internal hidden directory used by the Subversion version control system.

The “error” should not break anything as customtheme still seems to be compiled, but you can explicitly select the theme to compile by (if I remember correctly) adding the following setting for the Vaadin plug-in in your pom.xml:
