Touchkit: does not compile with vaadin 7.1.x - VDebugConsole missing


when I try to use touchkit-agpl.3.0.0beta1 (which is currently the only available package when using Maven) together with Vaadin 7.1 the compiler stops with the following error:

Validating units:
 Errors in 'com/vaadin/addon/touchkit/gwt/client/'
 Line 4: The import com.vaadin.client.VDebugConsole cannot be resolved
 Line 18: VDebugConsole cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 21: The method log(String) of type VRemoteDebugConsole must override or implement a supertype method
 Line 22: VDebugConsole cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 23: The method remoteLog(String) is undefined for the type VRemoteDebugConsole
 Line 27: The method getRemoteLogUrl() of type VRemoteDebugConsole must override or implement a supertype method
 Aborting compile due to errors in some input files

in fact, the com.vaadin.client.VDebugConsole does not exist in 7.1.4 but touchkits com/vaadin/addon/touchkit/gwt/client/ does need it.
Is this a bug? Is there a simple way for me to fix this? (For my project I don’t need those classes).
