VisulizationForVaadin, widgetset compilation error


I’m new to vaadin framework. The problem coming when trying to integrate Visulization for vaadin plugin in my project.

I’m getting following error when compiling widgetset.

  1. When clicked on ‘Compile Vaadin Widgetset’ button got the following error.


Error in compiling widgetset: java.lang.NullPointerException- null
See error logs for details.
(Screenshot : screen1)

      a) Why its not working, how can I find the error logs.
  1. Automatic project publishing to tomcat displayed a dialog with below message.
    “Your client side code in the project myapp might need a recompilation.Compile widgetset now?”
    (Screenshot : screen2)

When I click on ‘yes’ button compilation failed with following error(check the complete error at the bottom):

Line 35: Referencing field ‘java.lang.Object.castableTypeMap’: unable to resolve field, expect subsequent failures
Errors in ‘jar:file:/C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin/6.5.2/vaadin-6.5.2.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/’
Line 31: The import cannot be resolved
Line 45: The import cannot be resolved
Line 523: The method create() is undefined for the type SynchronousXHR
Line 653: Scheduler cannot be resolved

I have also created a sample project with the help of vaadin plugin, in that project visualization plugin is working fine. Don’t know why not working with my maven project.

I added following dependencies to enable VisulizationForVaadin add-ons in my project.






My Eclipse : Eclipse for Java EE IDE for Web Developer( Helios Service Release 1)

Eclipse Plugins Installed:-
Maven Plugin : Maven 2.0 integration
Vaadin Plugin : Vaadin Eclipse Integration

Error message on the console:-

Executing compiler with parameters [C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Xss8M, -Xmx512M, -XX:MaxPermSize=512M, -classpath, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:/Users/admin/new-workspace/…/webclient/src/main/java;C:/Users/admin/new-workspace…/webclient/src/main/resources;C:/Users/admin/new-workspace…/webclient/src/test/java;C:/Users/admin/new-workspace…/webclient/src/test/resources;C:/Users/admin/new-workspace…/webclient/target/war/WEB-INF/classes;C:/Users/admin/new-workspace…/webclient/target/test-classes;D:/backup/Java_Software/eclipse-helios/eclipse/configuration/com.vaadin.integration.eclipse/download/gwt-dev/2.1.1/gwt-dev.jar;C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/1.5.3/gwt-user-1.5.3.jar;C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin/6.5.2/vaadin-6.5.2.jar;C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/org/vaadin/addons/visualizationsforvaadin/1.1.2/visualizationsforvaadin-1.1.2.jar;C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/google-apis/gwt-visualization/1.0.2/gwt-visualization-1.0.2.jar;C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/1.5.3/gwt-user-1.5.3.jar,, -out, src/main/webapp/VAADIN/widgetsets, -style, DETAILED, -localWorkers, 2, -logLevel, INFO, com.ios.myapp.webapp.widgetset.myappWidgetset]

Updating GWT module description file…
Apr 8, 2011 6:45:23 PM com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils.ClassPathExplorer getAvailableWidgetSets
INFO: Widgetsets found from classpath:
com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet in jar:file:C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin/6.5.2/vaadin-6.5.2.jar!/
org.vaadin.vaadinvisualizations.widgetset.VaadinvisualizationApplicationWidgetset in jar:file:C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/org/vaadin/addons/visualizationsforvaadin/1.1.2/visualizationsforvaadin-1.1.2.jar!/
com.ios.myapp.webapp.widgetset.myappWidgetset in file://C/Users/admin/new-workspace…/webclient/src/main/java

Apr 8, 2011 6:45:23 PM com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils.ClassPathExplorer getAvailableWidgetSets
INFO: Search took 32ms
Starting GWT compiler
Compiling module com.ios.myapp.webapp.widgetset.myappwidgetset
Validating newly compiled units
Warnings in ‘jar:file:/D:/backup/Java_Software/eclipse-helios/eclipse/configuration/com.vaadin.integration.eclipse/download/gwt-dev/2.1.1/gwt-dev.jar!/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/intrinsic/com/google/gwt/lang/’
Line 29: Referencing field ‘java.lang.Object.castableTypeMap’: unable to resolve field, expect subsequent failures
Line 29: Referencing field ‘java.lang.Object.castableTypeMap’: unable to resolve field, expect subsequent failures
Line 38: Referencing field ‘java.lang.Object.castableTypeMap’: unable to resolve field, expect subsequent failures
Line 38: Referencing field ‘java.lang.Object.castableTypeMap’: unable to resolve field, expect subsequent failures
Warnings in ‘jar:file:/D:/backup/Java_Software/eclipse-helios/eclipse/configuration/com.vaadin.integration.eclipse/download/gwt-dev/2.1.1/gwt-dev.jar!/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/intrinsic/com/google/gwt/lang/’
Line 27: Referencing field ‘java.lang.Object.castableTypeMap’: unable to resolve field, expect subsequent failures
Line 35: Referencing field ‘java.lang.Object.castableTypeMap’: unable to resolve field, expect subsequent failures
Errors in ‘jar:file:/C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin/6.5.2/vaadin-6.5.2.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/’
Line 31: The import cannot be resolved
Line 45: The import cannot be resolved
Line 523: The method create() is undefined for the type SynchronousXHR
Line 653: Scheduler cannot be resolved
Line 760: Scheduler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 760: Scheduler cannot be resolved
Line 1715: The method setTabIndex(int) is undefined for the type Focusable
Errors in ‘jar:file:/C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin/6.5.2/vaadin-6.5.2.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/’
Line 32: The method log(String, Throwable) in the type GWT is not applicable for the arguments (String)
Errors in ‘jar:file:/C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin/6.5.2/vaadin-6.5.2.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/’
Line 384: The method getDateTimeConstants() is undefined for the type LocaleInfo
Line 386: The method getDateTimeConstants() is undefined for the type LocaleInfo
Errors in ‘jar:file:/C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin/6.5.2/vaadin-6.5.2.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/’
Line 6: The import cannot be resolved
Line 7: The import cannot be resolved
Line 8: The import cannot be resolved
Line 9: The import cannot be resolved
Line 10: The import cannot be resolved
Line 40: HandlerRegistration cannot be resolved to a type
Line 42: HandlerRegistration cannot be resolved to a type
Line 45: HasFocusHandlers cannot be resolved to a type
Line 46: FocusHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 57: HandlerRegistration cannot be resolved to a type
Line 59: HandlerRegistration cannot be resolved to a type
Line 62: HasBlurHandlers cannot be resolved to a type
Line 63: BlurHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Errors in ‘jar:file:/C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin/6.5.2/vaadin-6.5.2.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/’
Line 21: The import cannot be resolved
Line 81: NativeEvent cannot be resolved to a type
Line 85: NativeEvent cannot be resolved to a type
Line 151: NativeEvent cannot be resolved to a type
Line 154: The method getScrollLeft() is undefined for the type Document
Line 157: NativeEvent cannot be resolved to a type
Line 160: The method getScrollTop() is undefined for the type Document
Errors in ‘jar:file:/C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin/6.5.2/vaadin-6.5.2.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/’
Line 34: The method log(String, Throwable) in the type GWT is not applicable for the arguments (String)
Line 38: The method log(String, Throwable) in the type GWT is not applicable for the arguments (String)
Line 42: The method log(String, Throwable) in the type GWT is not applicable for the arguments (String)
Errors in ‘jar:file:/C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin/6.5.2/vaadin-6.5.2.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/’
Line 3: The import cannot be resolved
Line 5: XMLHttpRequest cannot be resolved to a type
Errors in ‘jar:file:/C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin/6.5.2/vaadin-6.5.2.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/’
Line 27: The import cannot be resolved
Line 378: The method getClientWidth() is undefined for the type Element
Line 611: Scheduler cannot be resolved
Line 954: The method getEventListener(Element) is undefined for the type Event
Errors in ‘jar:file:/C:/Users/admin/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin/6.5.2/vaadin-6.5.2.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/’
Line 24: The import cannot be resolved
Line 25: The import cannot be resolved
Line 26: The import cannot be resolved
Line 27: The import cannot be resolved
Line 28: The import cannot be resolved
Line 218: The method setValue(boolean) is undefined for the type CheckBox
Line 244: The method log(String, Throwable) in the type GWT is not applicable for the arguments (String)
Line 262: The method getValue() is undefined for the type CheckBox
Line 269: The method setColor(String) is undefined for the type Style
Line 270: FontWeight cannot be resolved
Line 286: The method log(String, Throwable) in the type GWT is not applicable for the arguments (String)
Line 403: ClickHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 435: ClickHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 462: Incompatible conditional operand types Throwable and UmbrellaException
Line 462: UmbrellaException cannot be resolved to a type
Line 463: UmbrellaException cannot be resolved to a type
Line 463: UmbrellaException cannot be resolved to a type
Line 474: Incompatible conditional operand types Throwable and UmbrellaException
Line 474: UmbrellaException cannot be resolved to a type
Line 475: UmbrellaException cannot be resolved to a type
Line 475: UmbrellaException cannot be resolved to a type
Line 518: The method setValue(boolean) is undefined for the type CheckBox
Line 520: ClickHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 551: ClickHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 563: ClickHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 590: ClickHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 597: ClickHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 612: ClickHandler cannot be resolved to a type


I googled but not found any solution.
