Additions to migration guide

Hey people of the world,

I have some additions I would put in the migration guide. The migration guide is good small projects who are not that long in existence. I am working on a very big web application which exists for a while already and I’m doing the migration of it.

From my experience there are 2 elements which need to change in the migration guide:

  • The need to compile the widgetset again should be expressed better. That 1 line cost me 3 hours of work to figure out. In my case it was
    needed, unlike said in the migration guide! After the migration of the libraries, there was nothing visual. (search term : migrated to 7.0+ and nothing is visible)

-Then for the 7.0/7.1 change to legacypropertyString it is explained in the migration guide from 7.0 to 7.1 but it does not explain how you can find it. In my case the warnings appeared on the moment the container of the table was set to size full. For big projects like mine check 2 important places:
- Adding the data to tables
- Formatting functions (my case): The debugger of eclipse will not go there even you press the go in button with the debugging. So if you override your formatting function, CHECK IT!

As part of this section it would be good to make a guide that tells us how to put logging on fine. I tried lots of things yesterday eclipse/tomcat workspace and it did not work.

Please tell me/pm me when I have written something wrong or you have additions.