Introduction to Vaadin


Sorry for my english.

I mean the situation is. In Java, I started writing recently. Put me in a project that we write on the JSF, OpenFaces.
I think what is best for this project to use Vaadin. With Vaadin I almost do not know, but I really like this framework.

Actually in this topic I want to ask questions whose answers I found with the help of Google. I hope that there are developers who can give me a few minutes to answer.

That means first and foremost I am interested in authentication.

From what I read about Vaadin, I realized that the data on the authorization must be stored in the object. Ie the user is authorized, I create an object and and writes the necessary data.
Perhaps I misunderstood, but I read somewhere that the object lives throughout the life of the session - this is so?

Or is it better after the authorization to store data in session?
How to get there in Vaadin?

And one more question on the structure of the application, it is very important.
That means I’ve got the main application file Application runs on the link http://localhost:8080/VaadinApp/.
Because everything works through the Ajax, the reference is constant, ie all sections of the application will work through

It turns out, if my application many sections, then this file will be just great (even with the fact that in this file I will handle only the action).

Maybe someone can tell from personal experience the most optimal structure of application Vaadin?

Let’s say I have sections: Users, Accounts for payment, order dinner, Journal of appeals. Each section must be displayed a table with existing records, and over the records necessary to perform certain actions (such as: edit, delete).
Access to parts available only after the authorization (hereinafter also taking into account the rights).

I understand that questions are written silly, but at the moment I can not ask otherwise. Do not kick much, I’ll be corrected.

For structuring your application, take a look of
Navigator add-on

The Vaadin
Application class
class includes a generic field you can use for this. Just use myApplication.setUser(userObject) to store the user instance, and access it later with myApplication.getUser(). Behind the scenes the user object is stored in the session.

Thanks for the answers. I will investigate.

P.S. Short but very informative and helpful tips. Thank you very much.