Dynamically adding columns to a table

Vaadin noob here.

I’m trying to add columns to a Table on-the-fly by adding container properties to an indexed container, but the new columns do not appear in the table. Help!!!

public class MyFirstVaadinUi extends UI {

 * After UI class is created, init() is executed. You should build and wire
 * up your user interface here.
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {

    final VerticalLayout content = new VerticalLayout();

    Button addColBtn = new Button("Add Column");

    final IndexedContainer container = new IndexedContainer();

    container.addContainerProperty("Name", String.class, "");

    container.getContainerProperty("Jon", "Name").setValue("blah");

    addColBtn.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
        public void buttonClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) {
            String newProperty = randomString();

            container.addContainerProperty(newProperty, String.class, "");

            for (Object existingRow : container.getItemIds()) {
                container.getContainerProperty(existingRow, newProperty).setValue(randomString());

    final Table tbl = new Table();

private String randomString() {
    return "" + System.currentTimeMillis();


Your table was initialized with the original set of propertyIDs of your container, you should add a Container.PropertySetChangeListener to your container , check if any of the container’s propertyIDs are not displayed in the table , if so call table.setVisibleColumns(…) with all your desired propertyIDs …