Netbeans & Ivy target?


I’m trying to build a new vaadin 7.1 project under netbeans.
With the maven target this works fine, but it forces you to switch everything over to maven (Which is not what we wish at the moment, since we have a whole lot of own jar’s to include)

We did try the ant/ivy target with netbeans, but did not come to a working solution.
I did also try the ivybeans plugin, but did not come to a working solution so far.

Has anyone a working config/project for Netbeans 7.x and Vaadin 7.x


I suppose you could just create a new Java web application and add all the libraries by hand…
There’s a direct all-in-one Vaadin archive on the bottom of the Download page which should get you started ?

This works fine when you don’t use sass and don’t need to compile the widgetset.
As soon as you need either of them (or usually both) you are trapped…

I know a lot of people are using NetBeans to develop Vaadin applications, but practically always using Maven.

If you want to go ahead without Maven and are having problems getting everything right, I believe the simplest way would be to use the latest Eclipse plug-in to create a test project, copy the Ivy files from there, compile a widgetset there and copy the command line from the widgetset compilation console. Make sure you use your own classpath including sources for all shared and client side classes for widgetset compilation. Once you have done this, you have the templates needed for the future.

For SASS compilation, you just need to run a single class, which should be simple enough - see
this tutorial

Also widgetset compilation is just executing one class with the correct parameters (see the command line copied above). Some extra artifacts are left behind by the compilation (symbol maps etc), you can clean them up if you want.

I did a maven “quickstart” with nexus etc. and going that line now.
All other options seem to result in even more digging into the deeps of netbeans/ant/ivy/gwt
