vaadin 7.1.0's themes can not be translated into CSS automatically or manua

I have changed productionMode = false, but it not works well.

So I also tried translated it into css manually, failed again.

fellow is wrong infomations:

Exception in thread “main” com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression.exception.ArithmeticException: Illegal arithmetic expression
at com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression.ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator.createExpression(
at com.vaadin.sass.internal.expression.ArithmeticExpressionEvaluator.evaluate(
at com.vaadin.sass.internal.tree.VariableNode.traverse(
at com.vaadin.sass.internal.ScssStylesheet.traverse(
at com.vaadin.sass.internal.ScssStylesheet.traverse(
at com.vaadin.sass.internal.ScssStylesheet.compile(
at com.vaadin.sass.SassCompiler.main(

Replied in your other thread. This thread did not contain enough information to be able to answer the question - e.g. the actual SASS line that caused the problem.