Best way to integrate 3rd party HTML5/JS applications?


For evaluation purposes I put my eye on the graph library GoJS from Go Diagram.

Its a JavaScript/HTML5/Canvas library.

What would be the best way to integrate the functionalities with Vaadin?


Check out
this blog post
by Tapio Aali. It goes through how to integrate JavaScript components inside Vaadin applications and control them from the server side code. There is also a example project linked in the post.

Unfortunatelly the up and running example doesn’t seem to work currently.

Thanks for the quick reply. That tutorial helped a lot.

My issue now is that GoDiagram requires a div id handed over. In the tutorial a domid is handed over and as a result a Canvas is created with that id:

<canvas id="foo"></canvas>

In the JavaScript connector when I hand the domId in it points to a Canvas.

	var diagram = new go.Diagram(domId);

Any idea how I could create a div and hand over that id?


ignore my last comment … figured out the issue

I changed the tutorial code i the JS to following:

var canvasElement = document.createElement('div');
	canvasElement.setAttribute('id', domId);

	var diagram = new go.Diagram(domId);
	diagram.add(go.GraphObject.make(go.Node, go.GraphObject.make(go.Shape, {
		figure : "Triangle",
		fill : "green"

The issue now is that godiagram needs a div element which is generated at the beginning. However, the div element is only available (according to the JS debugger) once I add the component to the parent component:

	GoDiagram godia = new GoDiagram("test");

GoDiagram gives me following error message:

message: "Invalid DIV id; could not get element with id: test"

What options do I have to generate the div element before ?