Using TouchKit-Addon in Default-Vaadin 6 application

Hello. I am facing some problems by the integration of the TouchKit-Addon to my desktop Vaadin application. This is my situation:

I am using a finished Vaadin 6 application for desktop computers and want to add the support for mobile devices by using the TouchKit-Addon. My intention is a switch between normal and mobil application depending on the requesting device. It is essential to integrate the update instead of two separate applications.

I implemented
this showcase
for a proof of concept. So I have got two application classes and manage the switch by overriding the
getNewApplication(HttpServletRequest request)
-methode in the Servlet-class as suggested in
post. The switch works, but I am facing other serious problems and need help.

Issue #1

Using the TouchKit-Addon updates of course the
and now it looks like this:

 <!-- <set-property name="user.agent" value="gecko1_8"/> -->

<inherits name="com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet" />
<inherits name="com.invient.vaadin.charts.widgetset.InvientChartsWidgetset" />
<inherits name="org.tepi.filtertable.gwt.FilterTableWidgetset" />
<inherits name="com.github.wolfie.refresher.RefresherApplicationWidgetset" />
<inherits name="org.vaadin.tepi.imageviewer.widgetset.ImageViewerWidgetset" />
<inherits name="com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.TouchKitWidgetSet" />

The TouchKitWidgetSet now seems to override some parts of the DefaultWidgetSet because some components like buttons and the filtering-table-header looks like mobile versions of themselfs. Please look at the pictures below.

Issue #2

All browsers except Safari and Chrome are showing the following error message:

ERROR: Possible problem with your *.gwt.xml module file.
The compile time user.agent value (safari) does not match the runtime user.agent value (opera). 
Expect more errors.

This is a TouchKitWidget-Set issue I guess, because there is no support for other browsers than the mentioned ones. I tried to uncomment the
set-property name=“user.agent”
-part in the
but without succes.

Thanks and best regards


You should reset user.agent property to include all relevant permutations. Eg. “safari,ie8,opera”.

The theme in TouchKit 2 is designed to work with “base” theme to be as lightweight as possible. It is also somewhat working if you extend “reindeer” theme, but with the legacy “runo” theme that you are using - I have never tried.

If you wish to disable all TouchKit CSS you can override VTouchKitResources class with GWT deferred binding and return empty css file for its css() method.


Hola. Yo tuve el mismo problema al compilar el addon de touchkit en Netbeans. Utilizo la version 6.8.7 de vaadin y Netbeans 7.2.
Luego compilar el addon y cambiar en los archivos xml algunos parametros, aun no funcionaba y salia el mismo error.
Son necesarias, creo a mi me funciono asi, algunos componentes mas por ejemplo:

Espero que sea de ayuda.