version nightmare?

probably because Im missing something or does not understand :slight_smile: So thats my question - whats the right way to deploy portlets on liferay that use vaadin.

im running liferay 6.0.X and currently vaadin 6.8.5.

I installed the vaadin control panel portlet to let me upgrade vaadin and easy compile widgetsets. This means that vaadin and all plugins Im using must be in the tomcat/webapp/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib folder.

im using simply the liferay SDK and commandline for compiling and deploying portlets. This means I have two basic ways of letting the compiler know what LIBs I need (for compiling). I can put them under the portlets LIB folder or include them from somewhere else using a property. If I do the last one I could name all addon jar files in the tomcat global folder. This would copy them to the portlet LIB folder for compiling and removing them again before deploying.

I put the vaadin jar and add on jar’s directly in the LIB folder of the portlet. Seams to be working fine for both compiling and deploying and my understanding was also that this should remove any version issues.

is this not the correct way to do things?

because I have a strange issue (I posted this yesterday) where a different liferay user trying to simply push a button gets an exception so I was thinking I will upgrade vaadin. But where - in the tomcat LIB only, in the portlet also - in all portlets then? Now what about my addons.

at the moment im getting no where. If I upgrade almost all my portlets stop working. If I dont - this ONE portlet does not work for any other users than me :frowning:


Do you also have the correct Vaadin theme and widgetset in tomcat/webapp/ROOT/html/VAADIN? These are the actual GWT javascript and theme resource which are used. You could check with the ?debug parameter in the URL that all these versions match.