Page.getCurrent().getStyle().add(...) doesnt work

Hi everybody.
I just tryed today the above feature and cant bring it to work.
I set up a brand new clean Vaadin 7 project with (7.1.0.beta1).
Than I just did this which I copied from the font-awsome addon:
(I just used this as an example)

protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
        String CDN = "//";
        Page.getCurrent().getStyles().add(new ExternalResource(CDN));

the css is never linked to the application!

What am i doing wrong ?
Please help !

You are missing “http:” in front of the URL

That’s a schemaless URL, it actually should work fine. It means “use the same schema as the page”, so very useful if you want to serve both http and https. If Vaadin does some parsing that chokes on such URLs, we should fix it.

Actually it does work. The above code inserts

into the page

Thanx for the quick reply…
Finally i fixed it by using the 7.1.SNAPSHOT
That makes the magic and now it works !!