Vaadin charts 1.1 Vaadin6 - wrong maven artifact Id

I want to test the Vaadin Addon Charts 1.1 with Vaadin6.

Following the README.TXT I used the following maven artifact resulting in an error:


The error is: [WARNING] The POM for com.vaadin.addon:vaadin-charts-vaadin6:jar:1.1.0 is missing, no dependency information available
If I change this to <artifactId>vaadin-charts</artifactId> the corresponding jars are found and downloaded to my local repository (which doesn’t help of course, as these are for Vaadin7). So the maven setup seems to be right, but the artifactId for Vaadin6 as stated in the README.TXT seems to be wrong.

Which artifactId should I use for Vaadin charts with Vaadin6?


Try the same but with 1.1.1 version. There seemed to be some sort of deployment problem in our new weirdish dual version packaging. Also the 1.1.0 should be manually fixed now.

Sorry for your inconvenience. Gotta double check next time I upload new version.


Hi Matti,

thanks a lot. With v1.1.1 it works fine now.
