Bean Validation in Vaadin 7, Locale issues

I am evaluating the Bean Validation in Vaadin 7 and face following strange behavior. The validation messages are shown in the Locale.getDefault() language regardless of what locale is set in the session or UI.
I debugged a bit the implementation and it seems to me, that the validator is initialized before the field is attached to its parent, which causes it to stick to the default locale.

Am I missing something? Is there any way to define the validator locale outside the Vaadin implementation (thread local, a method, etc) or react on bootstrapping of the validator? I created the ticket #12016 with the sample code to track this.

Guys, no one used Bean Validation in Vadin 7 so far?

In case somebody is still interested in the resolution.

Here is the workaround code till the issue is fixed in the framework:

	 * Commits all changes done to the bound fields.
	 * See {@link BeanFieldGroup#commit()} 
	public void commit() {
		try {
			this.setValidationLocale(); //Workaround, set locale before commit.
		catch (CommitException exception) {
			throw new RuntimeException(exception.toString(), exception); //TODO: proper handling
	 * Workaround for the vaadin bug
	 * We set the locale manually for all {@link BeanValidator} validators.
	private void setValidationLocale() {
		Collection<Field<?>> fields = this.fieldGroup.getFields();
		for (Field<?> field : fields) {
			Collection<Validator> validators = field.getValidators();
			for (Validator validator : validators) {
				if (validator instanceof BeanValidator) {
					//ResourceManager => Own locale handling class. super.getLocale() would also work for CustomComponents 