Popupbutton not working properly in IE8


Am using popupbutton addon in my project.When i cliked on the link,popup button appears thne it should disappear when i clicked on the other area of the window.

Problem is it leaves white space in the background when it disappears.This occurs only in IE8

below is my code snippet

	final PopupButton username=new PopupButton(new Label("Welcome User"));
	VerticalLayout topLayout = new VerticalLayout();

	topLayout.addComponent(new Label("Helloo"));


I have attached screenshot for the same.

Please help me


I also had this problem. Very annoying! I hope the author can fix this, in the meanwhile here is a fix:

In your theme CSS, add this:

/* IE white box fix */
.v-overlay-container > iframe {

display: none;


For some reason an empty iframe is created when using explorer - but not in chrome from what I can see. You need to hide it.

Thank you Blasiak.Temporary fix is working now:-)

Hi, I’m having the same problem with IE8 and PopupButton 2.2.1 and the CSS fix doesn’t work either :(, the white box still appears after adding this to my css

.v-overlay-container > iframe {
    display: none;

What else can I do?

I am facing the same issue and I put the above css in popupbutton.css file? Will it be able to solve the problem?

In my case its not resolved yet.

Please let me know where I need to add that css