Vaadin Charts for an Open Source Project

Hi everyboy,

I have put some thoughts lately into building a project similar to Graphite ( for the JVM,
Vaadin 7 + Vaadin Charts would have been a great choice to build such a beast.
The showstopper here is the licensing model of Vaadin Charts. It is my understanding that it is available only under a commercial license.

So the question is : Will Vaadin Charts have in the future a licensing model compatible with a Open Source project ?


Hi Antoine,

We have an OEM license agreement in place with Highsoft for embedding their product in Vaadin Charts.
Although Highsoft supports several different licensing model, our current agreement allows us to redistribute their software software only with CVAL.

So, without re-negotiating the agreement (not planned) there are not much we can do to provide you Vaadin Charts for open source development.
Sorry for that.

Sad news … but thanks anyway for the quick response.

Have you taken a look at dCharts Widget add-on:

It uses jqPlot and is licensed under MIT and GPLv2 (I’d stick with MIT usage!).

Thanks for the pointer. I will take a look at it