Table action handler not invoked


the following code does not seem to work at all for me (using 7.0.6):

    final Table table = new Table();

    table.addContainerProperty("somefield", String.class, null);
    table.addItem(new Object[]{"item1"}, 1L);
    table.addItem(new Object[]{"item2"}, 2L);

    table.addActionHandler(new Handler() {
      Action tab = new ShortcutAction("Tab", ShortcutAction.KeyCode.TAB, null);
      Action enter = new ShortcutAction("Enter", ShortcutAction.KeyCode.ENTER, null);
      Action[] actions = new Action[]
 {tab, enter};
      public void handleAction(Action action, Object sender, Object target) {
      public Action[] getActions(Object target, Object sender) {
        return actions;

looks like getActions() is actually invoked, but handleAction() is never called when pressing Tab or Enter on one of the table fields, and the table keeps reacting to the keypresses in the standard way.
It doesn’t matter whether the table is in a top-level window or not. I tried adding removeAllActionHandlers() before addActionHandler() but nothing changes.

What am I doing wrong? The code is basically straight from the Book par. 5.15.3.