Add-on and vaadin-addons repository

Hi I just released a small add-on for vaadin but cannot find any description about deploying it into repository. How this can be achieved ? I just want to be able to refer to my plugin as maven dependency.


the deployment to
repository happens automatically by Vaadin Directory. You just need to add
entry to your MANIFEST.MF file in the zip. The value of this attribute should specify the filename of the actual add-on jar which will then be deployed to the Maven repository.

See also

One more question about re-uploading plugin zip package. In documentation it is stated

“Also, if you made an error uploading a invalid package to Directory you can delete the version and upload it again.”

but it seems that Delete button is not active for me. Any idea ?

After a version has been published, it cannot be deleted anymore. However you can upload a new version and then set the availability of your previous version to false.

pls can anyone send me details or link so i can implement vaadin calendar in my java web application
or a semple demo source code for vaadin calendar for windows…

i have found source but it is for linux.
pls help