failed to load the bootstrap javascript: /html/VAADIN/vaadinBootstrap.js


I’m new using vaadin and I need some help to move forward.

I trying to make my first app.
I’m using the eclipse IDE with the vaadin plugin and liferay IDE integration.

I create a new Vaadin 7 Project with the configurantion:

Target runtime: Liferay v6.1 CE(Tomcat 7)
Configuration: Vaadin 7, Java 6, Servlet 2.4
Deployment configuration: Generic portlet(Portlet 2.0)

And I does not chage nothing more.

Then I run in server. This open the liferay portal, I make the login and I choose from the list the option to add my new portlet.

Then when I do refresh, it open a popup with the next message:

“failed to load the bootstrap javascript: /html/VAADIN/vaadinBootstrap.js”

What I can do? What I’m doing wrong? I’m not doing nothing, only try to run the project that is created by default…

I’m searching in the web by some days and I do not find nothing useful :frowning:

Help me please!

Edit: Only to say that I find out now that if I create a Vaadin 6 project. It work fine. Whats the problem?

I have already got it!!
The problem was that the Liferay comes with an older Vaadin 6 version.
And to use the Vaadin 7 you need install it manually as described in the page 338 of the book of vaadin.

I hope this will be useful to someone.