Horizontal layout is not working in vaadin 7

I just created a vaadin 7 project in eclipse and tried a sample program to print two text.

I tried to add two labels in horizontal layout.But it is dispalyed as one by one in the screen.Below is the code snippet

final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
Label label1=new Label(“Welcome”);
Label label2=new Label(“User!!!”);
final HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(label1, label2);

I tried almost all vaadin 7 beta version.Still it is not working

I don’t get the same result with the code you posted. I get the labels next to each other rather than below as it is on your screenshot. Im using version 7.0.4, but I doubt it matters. Your screenshot is also missing the margin you defined for your verticallayout, so you should probably look for the problem elsewhere. Maybe the app is not deployed properly or you are just trying to view the wrong page.

It looks like the theme for the app wasn’t loaded properly. Check with your browser inspector if the styles.css request was ok (200), or if it failed for some reason.

Are you using a custom theme?

I found the issue…

I didn’t import legacy-reindeer.css instead it was point to wrong css.

Thanks a lot for the reply