Vaadin Fundamentals course - ready.

The Vaadin Fundamentals course is ready on BlackBeltFactory.!Course/vaadin-fundamentals

It contains many English and French videos. If you want to propose a video in your own language, please post them on or on and submit the links to me.

The course may still contain a few mistakes and typos, but we don’t expect any fundamental/structural change anymore.

For the moment, I leave it free (no coach required).


The course materia looks great, especially the videos. It’s good that they are HD; they look great on a 42" display. Enjoy watching them. I also like the diagrams, they give good new perspectives.

Thank you Markos.

For some reason, I cannot see the videos in Chrome (10.0.642.2 on Windows), but they are visible in IE8.

Thank you for reporting Jean-François. We noticed the same, but … from time to time only. We need to investigate that.