Vaadin 6.0.0-pre1 available

As you have probably heard of it by now, Vaadin has arrived. It has brought along the first prerelease version of the upcoming 6.0.0 release.

If you are using Eclipse, the Vaadin plugin for Eclipse should be your best friend from now on and it will do Vaadin upgrades for you. Farewell, as this may be the last time you ever need to read these announcements.

If you are for traditions, download the package from the new vaadinized download page at
. It also contains sample code and other stuff. You can actually still install it as an Eclipse project as before, though it’s no longer mentioned in the instructions.

You probably wonder if you now need to write your existing applications from scratch. No worries, the API in Vaadin 6 is otherwise almost compatible with IT Mill Toolkit 5, but the name change has made it necessary to change the Java package names and some other things.

See the
Release Notes
for upgrade instructions and other notes.

There is still work to be done for the Vaadin 6 release. You can follow the progress in the
at the old but renamed developer’s site. As always, you’re most welcome to stop the release by finding blocker bugs and filing a ticket about them.

The roadmap is actually integrated into the site aswell at but Marko is right, if you want the most details you should go to the trac-site.

And, apparently we have a 6.0.0-pre2 available aswell! Hard working fellows :slight_smile:

pre2 is almost the same as pre1 - only corrected one problem in the build-script that left out parts of the base theme from the jar-package. As it was released almost immediately after pre1, we did not do any separate announcement about it.