Integration JavaScript component vaadin 7, problem with size


I have a problem with javascript integration:
I tried to integrate a javascript component in a test project using Vaadin 7, I found a really clear how-to on this page:

the code works fine but i can’t change the component size, it have a standard dimension but I want to display it full screen.

I tried to set size 100% x 100% and the layout is set to sizeFull but the dimension don’t change

protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();

	double data[][]

String labels={“1”,“2”,“3”,“4”,“5”,“6”,“7”,“8”,“9”,“10”,“11”,“12”,“13”};
JsRLineChart jr=new JsRLineChart(“tt”,“100%”,“100%”,data,labels);
jr.setColors(new String{“red”,“blue”});
jr.setTooltips(new String{“a”,“b”,“c”});

this is the snippet JS where the html component is created:

  e.innerHTML = "<canvas id=\""+this.getState().getCanvasId+"\"+" +
  " width=\""+this.getState().getCanvasWidth+"\" +" +
  " height=\""+this.getState().getCanvasHeight+"\">+" +
  "[No canvas support]


I have the same problem also with another lib JS, can someone help me?