Vaadin 7 do not work after refresh (F5) browser page

I test RememberMe Spring Security service with Vaadin 7 and after reload the page with Remembered user role:

Widgetset does not contain implementation for $Proxy22. Check its component connector’s @Connect mapping, widgetsets GWT module description file and re-compile your widgetset. In case you have downloaded a vaadin add-on package, you might want to refer to add-on instructions.

Debug window:
Drag title=move, shift-drag=resize, doubleclick title=min/max.Use debug=quiet to log only to browser console.
23:06:58:501 Starting Vaadin client side engine. Widgetset: monmart
23:06:58:508 Widget set is built on version: 7.0.1.nightly-cc5252a98ef538690250fab9952cb44dbb00fb12-388
Warning: widgetset version 7.0.1.nightly-cc5252a98ef538690250fab9952cb44dbb00fb12-388 does not seem to match theme version
23:06:58:624 Starting application monmart-1852089416
23:06:58:624 Using theme: monmart
23:06:58:624 Vaadin application servlet version: 7.0.1.nightly-cc5252a98ef538690250fab9952cb44dbb00fb12-388
23:06:58:628 inserting load indicator
23:06:58:629 Scheduling heartbeat in 300 seconds
23:06:58:629 JSON parsing took 0ms
23:06:58:631 Handling message from server
23:06:58:632 * Handling resources from server
23:06:58:632 * Handling type inheritance map from server
23:06:58:632 Handling type mappings from server
23:06:58:638 Handling resource dependencies
23:06:58:639 * Handling locales
23:06:58:639 * Handling meta information
23:06:58:640 * Creating connectors (if needed)
23:06:58:650 * Updating connector states
23:06:58:667 * Updating connector hierarchy
23:06:58:668 Hierachy claims UnknownComponentConnector (14) has component children even though it isn’t a HasComponentsConnector
23:06:58:669 * Sending hierarchy change events
23:06:58:685 * Running @DelegateToWidget
23:06:58:687 * Sending state change events
23:06:58:701 * Passing UIDL to Vaadin 6 style connectors
23:06:58:704 Server sent Vaadin 6 style updates for UnknownComponentConnector (14)

but this is not a Vaadin 6 Paintable

23:06:58:717 * Unregistered 0 connectors
23:06:58:717 handleUIDLMessage: 77 ms
23:06:58:718 Starting layout phase
23:06:58:721 Measured 0 non connector elements
23:06:58:765 Pass 1 measured 18 elements, fired 8 listeners and did 1 layouts.
23:06:58:767 Did overflow fix for 1 elements
23:06:58:771 Pass 2 measured 3 elements, fired 0 listeners and did 0 layouts.
23:06:58:771 No more changes in pass 3
23:06:58:771 Total layout phase time: 53ms
23:06:58:771 * Dumping state changes to the console

Your exception looks like a Spring-Aspect is fiddling either with a client-side widget or a connector (I assume both to be possible only if you are doing widget-development yourself and maybe in super-dev-mode as Spring doesn’t advice javascript-code - but I didn’t check that) or it is wrapping a component (serverside) so that the matching connector doesn’t find it anymore (this is the probably case in my opinion). I don’t know if there is a good solution to this problem as I don’t know how the terminal is actually getting a reference for the component (probably reflection?).

All right. After use and @Secured(“ROLE_ADMIN”) annotations - all View beans have a Proxy-class type. i think to write a Vaadin Security Framework…