Page - addBrowserWindowResizeListener

I’ve got something like this:

Effect: i resize browser and nothing happens. After i do something (click, or drag&drop something) the “resized” is print in console.

Is this really correct or bug. Because i except when i resize browser some event will fire and listener will get this information.

Thx. for answer

Thx for answering… but one problem generate another one.

When i try to add refresher to VerticalLayout

verticalLayout.addComponent(refresher); i need to cast it to (Component) and this invoke this error: com.github.wolfie.refresher.Refresher cannot be cast to com.vaadin.ui.Component

You seem to be using the Vaadin 6 version of the Refresher add-on with Vaadin 7.

Note that the new version is not a component at all but an Extension, and is not added to any layout - check its documentation.

Oh i wish i would be so stupid :frowning:

But i’m using Vaadin 7 with Refresher version (Refresher extends AbstractExtension).

So what happens if you add it using ui.addExtension(refresher)? It should not be in any layout anymore.

The example in the highlight on the
directory page
should work.

I was looking into chat article in right panel not into highlight.

Thank you very much, and to all vaadin team members - your doing very good job. One more time thx for help.