
how to use TPTMultiView in vaadin 7 …
its working fine in vaadn 6
but it gives a n error in vaadin 7 like
javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/vaadin/ui/UriFragmentUtility$FragmentChangedListener

my code is like this

public class DocumentViewerComponent extends VerticalLayout
private DocumentRasterProvider document = null;
private float zoomFactor = PageZoom.AS_IS;
private int rotationFactor = PageRotation.NO_ROTATION;
private PageMode viewMode = PageMode.SINGLE_PAGE_MODE;
private Integer currentPage = PageNumber.FIRST_PAGE;
TPTMultiView viewController = new TPTMultiView(true);

 * Creates the new empty viewer component
public DocumentViewerComponent()


    setExpandRatio(viewController, 1.0f);

 * Creates the new viewer component and loads the specified document.
 * @param document document file to display. Note,  that only PDF files are supported at the moment.
public DocumentViewerComponent(File document)
    loadDocument ( document );

 * Creates the new viewer component and the sets a document to view
 * @param document document raster provider
public DocumentViewerComponent(DocumentRasterProvider document)

 * Loads a new document to display. Do not forget to call closeDocument(); if you had previous document open.
 * @param document new document file to display. Note, that only PDF files are supported at the moment
public void loadDocument( File document )
    if ( document != null && document.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf"))
        loadDocument( new PdfDocument(document));
    } else
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This file format is supported in current version, sorry. We can display PDF only files at the moment.");

 * Loads a new document to display
 * @param document raster provider instance which represents the data of new document
public void loadDocument( DocumentRasterProvider document )
    currentPage = 1;
    this.document = document;

    if ( viewController.isViewAvailable(
        viewController.replaceView(, new SinglePageDocumentRenderer(document, zoomFactor));
    } else
        viewController.addView(, new SinglePageDocumentRenderer(document, zoomFactor));


 * Closes the current document
public void closeDocument()
    if ( document != null)
        } catch( Throwable err)

 * Provides number of pages in currently opened document
 * @return number of pages
public int getPagesCount()
    if ( document != null)
        return document.getPagesCount();
    } else
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Document is not open, cannot count number of pages in it.");

 * Navigates viewer to specified page
 * @param pageNumber new page number to navigate to
public void goPage( int pageNumber )
    if ( pageNumber>=PageNumber.FIRST_PAGE && (pageNumber<=getPagesCount() || pageNumber == PageNumber.LAST_PAGE))
        currentPage = (pageNumber == PageNumber.LAST_PAGE) ? getPagesCount() : pageNumber;

// ((PageRenderer)viewController.getCurrentView()).goPage(currentPage-1);
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException(“Page number " + pageNumber + " is out of bounds ( 0 … " + getPagesCount() + " )”);

 * Provides number of current page we're viewing
 * @return current page
public Integer getCurrentPage()
    return currentPage;

 * Sets the new zoom factor for the document
 * @param zoomFactor new zoom factor in form of 0.1 .... 9.99 , where 1.0 is a 100% of the document
public void setZoom( float zoomFactor )
    this.zoomFactor = zoomFactor;


// ((PageRenderer)viewController.getCurrentView()).setZoom(this.zoomFactor);
} catch ( Throwable ignored) {}

 * Provides the current zoom factor
 * @return current zoom factor value
public float getZoom()
    return zoomFactor;

 * Sets document rotation mode. NOT SUPPORTED now
 * @param rotationFactor
public void setRotation( int rotationFactor )
    this.rotationFactor = rotationFactor;

// ((PageRenderer)viewController.getCurrentView()).setRotation(this.rotationFactor);

 * Provides the current rotation mode. NOT SUPPORTED NOW
 * @return current rotation mode
public int getRotation()
    return rotationFactor;

 * Sets the document display mode. NOT SUPPORTED NOW
 * @param viewMode new display mode
public void setViewMode( PageMode viewMode )
    this.viewMode = viewMode;

// viewController.switchView(;

 * Provides the current display mode of the document. NOT SUPPORTED NOW
 * @return current display mode
public PageMode getViewMode()
    return viewMode;

public DocumentRasterProvider getDocument() {
    return document;


add-on page
says that it is not compatible with Vaadin 7. The author has to update the add-on to make it work or then you have to migrate it to Vaadin 7 yourself.

i will do any other alternative way